Nuclear fission -
-->The process in which a large nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei with the release of energy. An electron is added to a nucleus and because it overcomes the strong force the nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei.
Pu239 & U235 are the most common isotopes for nuclear fuel. They perform nuclear fission very easily.
-->It provides energy for nuclear power plants, using chain reactions, (on right). A chain reaction is when a series of nulcear fissions happen. When one Nucleus splits into two others it also breaks off a few neutrons. Then those neutrons hit other big nucleus' and it's a chain reaction. Hence the name.
--> The nuclear power plants: Uranium-235 undergo a nuclear chain reaction, controlled by rods. The energy heats the water, and produces steam. The steam then turnes a turbine that is attached to a generator, the generator converts the energy into electricity.
n + 235U -> 141Ba + 92Kr + 3n
Nulcear fusion -
-->Two or more nuclei with small masses join together to form a larger, more massive nucleus.
ex. 4 hydrogen-1 (with a charge of 1+) come together to form Helium-4 (with a charge of 2+). For this to happen temperatures have to reach 100,000,000 degress Celcius. Energy is given off as well as a few beta particles.
--> Temperatures are too hot to be able to try and develope, and maintain, on earth. A good example of where nuclear fusion happens is in the core of our sun.
-->The fussion of nuclei lighter than iron or nickle ussually gives off energy. While fussion of nuclei heavier than iron or nickle ussually absorb energy. (iron and nickle are most stable)
p + p -> 2 H + e+ + n + .42 MeV
Holt, Rinhart, and Winston. Interactions of matter. 2002 (book)
Wikipedia, Nuclear chain reaction. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_chain_reaction)
Kenneth R. Koehler. Nulcear Reactions. 1996 (http://www.rwc.uc.edu/koehler/biophys/7b.html)